Thursday, April 19, 2012


What is Outsourcing? 
Outsourcing is the process of contracting an existing business purpose or method of an organization to an independent organization, and ceasing to do that function or process internally, instead purchasing it as a service. Though this practice of purchasing a business function--instead of providing it internally-is a common feature of any modern economy, the term outsourcing became popular in America near the turn of the 21st century. An outsourcing deal may also involve transfer of the employees involved to the outsourcing business partner but it doesn't have to. There are many companies in the world providing outsourcing. Actually outsourcing is a very hi-fie and reliable jobs in the world.

Outsourcing is the act of one company contracting with another company to provide services that might otherwise be performed by in-house employees. Often the tasks that are outsourced could be performed by the company itself, but in many cases there are financial advantages that come from outsourcing. Many large companies now outsource jobs such as call center services, e-mail services, and payroll. These jobs are handled by separate companies that specialize in each service, and are often located overseas.

There are many reasons that companies outsource a range of jobs, but the most famous advantage seems to be the fact that it often saves money. Many of the companies that provide outsourcing services are able to do the work for significantly less money, as they don't have to provide payback to their workers and have fewer fixed cost expenses to be anxious about. Depending on location, it may also be more reasonably priced to outsource to companies located in different countries.

Outsourcing, on the other hand, can be either foreign or domestic. The opposite of outsourcing is called vertical integration or in sourcing.

Outsourcing Definition

Outsourcing is any task, operation, job or process that could be performed by employees within an party, but is instead contracted to a third party for a significant period of time. In addition, the functions that are performed by the third party can be performed on-site or off-site. Hiring a temporary employee while your secretary is on maternity leave is not outsourcing.